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[Not All Are Like Me]

SEO – Optimize website

To optimize a website for search engines like Google, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Conduct keyword research to identify the terms and phrases that your target audience is using to find products or services like yours.
  2. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and has a fast loading speed.
  3. Use the keywords you identified in step 1 in the titles, headings, and content of your website pages.
  4. Use descriptive and relevant title tags and meta descriptions for each page on your website.
  5. Use header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to signal the hierarchy of your content and make it easier for search engines to understand the structure of your content.
  6. Use internal linking to help search engines understand the relationships between your pages and to help visitors navigate your website.
  7. Use external linking to show search engines that your website is a credible and authoritative source.
  8. Use alt text to describe the images on your website to make it easier for search engines to understand the content of your pages.
  9. Create and submit a sitemap to search engines to help them understand the structure of your website and the pages it contains.
  10. Use Google Analytics to track the traffic to your website and to identify areas for improvement.

How to enable SSL on your CentOS server with Apache and Let’s Encrypt

Step 1: Install certbot and obtain a certificate

sudo yum install epel-releasesudo yum install certbot python2-certbot-apache mod_sslsudo certbot — apache -d -d

You must add all your domains and subdomains in one command.

(From digital ocean🙂 You will also be able to choose between enabling both http and https access or forcing all requests to redirect to https. For better security, it is recommended to choose the option 2: Redirect if you do not have any special need to allow unencrypted connections. Select your choice then hit ENTER.

Error: Port 80 is required

Let’s encrypt requires port 80 to redirect to your server. So configure that redirection in your apache config.

vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Add the following:

<VirtualHost *:80>ServerName example.comRedirect permanent /</VirtualHost>

Rename your public ServerName (the one outside of this VirtualHost container) as well:

ServerName localhostServerName

Step 2: Configure your default SSL configuration

vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf

Replace the following lines:

SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt →

SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key

SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

SSLCertificateChainFileSSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Error: too many redirects

Make sure that you only have a single port listening to 443.

grep -r 443 /etc/httpd

If you are already listening to 443 in ssl.conf, comment out Listen 443 in httpd.conf.

/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:# Listen 443/etc/httpd/conf/httpd-le-ssl.conf:<VirtualHost *:443>/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:Listen 443 https/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:<VirtualHost _default_:443>

Step 3: Check your certificate

Step 4: Set Up Auto Renewal

sudo crontab -e

Press i and add the following:

0 0,12 * * * python -c 'import random; import time; time.sleep(random.random() * 3600)' && certbot renew

(From digital ocean🙂 This will create a new cron job that will execute at noon and midnight every day. Adding an element of randomness to your cron jobs will ensure that hourly jobs do not all happen at the same minute, causing a server spike; python -c 'import random; import time; time.sleep(random.random() * 3600)' will select a random minute within the hour for your renewal tasks.

Press ‘Esc’, type 😡 to save, and check to see it is added to your list of cron jobs:

sudo crontab -l

Wamp – SSL

·  Download & install WampServer.

·  Open a command prompt (WindowsKey + R > cmd > click OK) and enter the following commands.
cd c:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.41\bin

openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private.key 2048

openssl rsa -in private.key -out private.key

openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -key private.key -out certificate.crt -days 36500 -config c:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.41\conf\openssl.cnf

Note: You can pretty much answer the questions any way you want though real answers are best. The one question that really matters here is the FQDN. It should be: localhost.

·  Move the private.key and certificate.crt files from c:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.41\bin to the c:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.41\conf\key\ folder. If the key folder doesn’t already exist, create it.

·  Using a text editor like Notepad, open c:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.41\conf\httpd.conf and un-comment following 3 lines:
LoadModule ssl_module modules/
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
LoadModule socache_shmcb_module modules/

·  Using a text editor like Notepad, open c:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.41\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf and apply the following changes:
Below the line: <VirtualHost _default_:443>, check the following parameters to ensure they are configured correctly and not commented.
DocumentRoot “c:/wamp64/www”
ServerName localhost:443
SSLSessionCache “shmcb:c:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.41/logs/ssl_scache(512000)”

ErrorLog “c:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.41/logs/error.log”
TransferLog “c:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.41/logs/access.log”
SSLCertificateFile “c:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.41/conf/key/certificate.crt”
SSLCertificateKeyFile “c:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.41/conf/key/private.key”

·  Save the file and close it.

·  You are done. To check the validity of file, at the command prompt, enter:
c:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.41\bin\httpd -t
and then use your web browse to go to https://localhost/

Interspire To Prestashop

Products Table

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `_mid_products`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `_mid_products` (
  `product_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `active_0_1` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `name` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `categories_cs` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `price_tax_excluded` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `tax_rules_id` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `wholesale_price` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `on_sale_0_1` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `discount_amount` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `discount_percent` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `discount_from_yyyy_mm_dd` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `discount_to_yyyy_mm_dd` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `reference_num` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `supplier_reference_num` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `supplier` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `manufacturer` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `ean13` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `upc` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `ecotax` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `width` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `height` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `depth` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `weight` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `delivery_time_of_in_stock_products` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `delivery_time_of_out_of_stock_products_with_allowed_orders` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `quantity` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `minimal_quantity` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `low_stock_level` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `send_me_an_email_when_the_quantity_is_under_this_level` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `visibility` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `additional_shipping_cost` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `unity` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `unit_price` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `summary` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `description` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `tags_cs` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `meta_title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `meta_keywords` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `meta_description` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `url_rewritten` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `text_when_in_stock` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `text_when_backorder_allowed` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `available_for_order_0_1` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `product_available_date` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `product_creation_date` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `show_price_0_1` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `image_urls_cs` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `image_alt_texts_cs` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `delete_existing_images_0_1` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `feature_cs` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `available_online_only_0_1` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `condition_` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `customizable_0_1` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `uploadable_files_0_1` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `text_fields_0_1` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `out_of_stock_action` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `virtual_product` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `file_url` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `number_of_allowed_downloads` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `expiration_date` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `number_of_days` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `id_name_of_shop` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `advanced_stock_management` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `depends_on_stock` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `warehouse` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `acessories_cs` text DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`product_id`)

Categories table

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `_mid_categories`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `_mid_categories` (
  `active` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `name` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `parent_category` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `root_category` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `description` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `meta_title` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `meta_keyword` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `meta_description` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `url_rewritten` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `image` text DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


fill the categories table:

insert into _mid_categories 
SELECT (categoryid+3) as id,catvisible as active,(catparentid+3) as `parent_category`,catdesc as description,catname as meta_title,catname as `name`,catmetakeywords as meta_keyword,catmetadesc as meta_description,replace(catname,' ','-') as url_rewritten FROM isc_categories ORDER BY catsort;

UPDATE `_mid_categories` set root_category=1 WHERE parent_category='0';
UPDATE `_mid_categories` set root_category=0 WHERE parent_category!='0';
UPDATE _mid_categories targetTable

LEFT JOIN _mid_categories sourceTable ON

UPDATE `_mid_categories` SET parent_category='2' WHERE parent_category is null;

And for exporting it to csv you have to use this query:

SELECT  mc.* FROM `_mid_categories` as mc order by CASE WHEN parent_category>id THEN cast(id as unsigned) ELSE cast(parent_category as unsigned) END ASC,id asc

this fill the products table:

truncate _mid_products;
insert into _mid_products 
(`product_id`, `active_0_1`, `name`, `categories_cs`, `price_tax_excluded`, `tax_rules_id`, `wholesale_price`, `on_sale_0_1`, `discount_amount`, `discount_percent`, `discount_from_yyyy_mm_dd`, `discount_to_yyyy_mm_dd`, `reference_num`, `supplier_reference_num`, `supplier`, `manufacturer`, `ean13`, `upc`, `ecotax`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `delivery_time_of_in_stock_products`, `delivery_time_of_out_of_stock_products_with_allowed_orders`, `quantity`, `minimal_quantity`, `low_stock_level`, `send_me_an_email_when_the_quantity_is_under_this_level`, `visibility`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `unity`, `unit_price`, `summary`, `description`, `tags_cs`, `meta_title`, `meta_keywords`, `meta_description`, `url_rewritten`, `text_when_in_stock`, `text_when_backorder_allowed`, `available_for_order_0_1`, `product_available_date`, `product_creation_date`, `show_price_0_1`, `image_urls_cs`, `image_alt_texts_cs`, `delete_existing_images_0_1`, `feature_cs`, `available_online_only_0_1`, `condition_`, `customizable_0_1`, `uploadable_files_0_1`, `text_fields_0_1`, `out_of_stock_action`, `virtual_product`, `file_url`, `number_of_allowed_downloads`, `expiration_date`, `number_of_days`, `id_name_of_shop`, `advanced_stock_management`, `depends_on_stock`, `warehouse`, `acessories_cs`) 

p.productid as `product_id`,
p.prodvisible as `active_0_1`,
replace(p.prodname,'#','No ') as `name`,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (cats.categoryid+3) ORDER BY cats.categoryid asc SEPARATOR ',') as `categories_cs`,
(p.prodprice/1.2) as `price_tax_excluded`,
'1' as `tax_rules_id`,
p.prodprice as `wholesale_price`,
'0' as `on_sale_0_1`,
null as `discount_amount`,
null as `discount_percent`,
null as `discount_from_yyyy_mm_dd`,
null as `discount_to_yyyy_mm_dd`,
p.prodcode as `reference_num`,
null `supplier_reference_num`,
null `supplier`,
brands.brandname as `manufacturer`,
null as `ean13`,
null as `upc`,
null as `ecotax`,
null as `width`,
null as `height`,
null as `depth`,
p.prodweight as `weight`,
null as `delivery_time_of_in_stock_products`,
null as `delivery_time_of_out_of_stock_products_with_allowed_orders`,
'999999' as `quantity`,
null as `minimal_quantity`,
null as `low_stock_level`,
null as `send_me_an_email_when_the_quantity_is_under_this_level`,
'both' as `visibility`,
null as `additional_shipping_cost`,
null as `unity`,
null as `unit_price`,
SUBSTRING(p.prodmetadesc,0,800) as `summary`,
p.proddesc as `description`,
null as `tags_cs`,
p.prodname as `meta_title`,
p.prodmetakeywords as `meta_keywords`,
SUBSTRING(p.prodmetadesc,0,512) as `meta_description`,
replace(p.prodname,' ','_') as `url_rewritten`,
null as `text_when_in_stock`,
null as `text_when_backorder_allowed`,
p.prodallowpurchases as `available_for_order_0_1`,
DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(p.proddateadded), '%Y-%m-%d') AS `product_available_date`,
DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(p.proddateadded), '%Y-%m-%d') AS `product_creation_date`,
'1' as `show_price_0_1`,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT('',imgs.imagefile) ORDER BY imgs.imagesort asc SEPARATOR ',')  as `image_urls_cs`,
null as `image_alt_texts_cs`,
'0' as `delete_existing_images_0_1`,
null as `feature_cs`,
'0' as `available_online_only_0_1`,
LOWER(p.prodcondition) as `condition_`,
'0' as `customizable_0_1`,
'0' as `uploadable_files_0_1`,
'0' as `text_fields_0_1`,
null as `out_of_stock_action`,
null as `virtual_product`,
null as `file_url`,
null as `number_of_allowed_downloads`,
null as `expiration_date`,
null as `number_of_days`,
'1' as `id_name_of_shop`,
null as `advanced_stock_management`,
null as `depends_on_stock`,
null as `warehouse`,
null as `acessories_cs`

FROM isc_products as p
LEFT JOIN isc_brands as brands ON p.prodbrandid=brands.brandid
LEFT JOIN isc_categoryassociations as cats ON p.productid=cats.productid
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM isc_product_images where imagefile NOT like '%_tiny.%' AND ((REPLACE(imagefile,'_thumb.','.')!=imagefile AND REPLACE(imagefile,'_thumb.','.') NOT IN (SELECT imagefile FROM isc_product_images) ) OR REPLACE(imagefile,'_thumb.','.')=imagefile )  ) as imgs ON p.productid=imgs.imageprodid

/*WHERE p.productid=9096*/

group by p.productid;

UPDATE `_mid_products` SET meta_title=REPLACE(meta_title,'>',' ');
UPDATE `_mid_products` SET meta_title=REPLACE(meta_title,'<',' ');
UPDATE `_mid_products` SET meta_description=REPLACE(meta_description,'>',' ');
UPDATE `_mid_products` SET meta_description=REPLACE(meta_description,'<',' ');
UPDATE `_mid_products` SET meta_keywords=REPLACE(meta_keywords,'>',' ');
UPDATE `_mid_products` SET meta_keywords=REPLACE(meta_keywords,'<',' ');
UPDATE `_mid_products` SET `name`=REPLACE(`name`,'>',' ');
UPDATE `_mid_products` SET `name`=REPLACE(`name`,'<',' ');
UPDATE _mid_products SET meta_description=SUBSTRING(meta_description,0,512);

Export it to CSV by just using phpMyAdmin – export function – CSV

Use this query to Export Combinations

pvc.vcproductid as product_id,
'' as productreference,
GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(pvo.voname,'-',vovariationid,'-',REPLACE(REPLACE(pv.vname,':','-'),',','-')),':select:',pvo.vovaluesort) ORDER BY pvo.vovaluesort asc SEPARATOR ',' ) as attribute,
GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT((case when pvo.vovalue='' then '-' else pvo.vovalue end),':',pvo.vooptionsort) ORDER BY pvo.vovaluesort asc SEPARATOR ',' ) as val,
CASE WHEN pvc.vcenabled=1 THEN '999999' ELSE 0 END as qty
FROM  isc_product_variation_combinations pvc

LEFT JOIN isc_product_variation_options pvo ON pvo.vovariationid=pvc.vcvariationid AND FIND_IN_SET(pvo.voptionid,pvc.vcoptionids)
LEFT JOIN isc_product_variations pv ON pvc.vcvariationid=pv.variationid 

/*WHERE pvc.vcproductid=9096*/
WHERE pvc.vcproductid>0
GROUP BY pvc.combinationid;

4 Tips on How to Simplify Your Website Design And Win Over New Customers

4 Changes You Can Implement Today to Simplify Your Website Design and Make It Better 

You will lose clients faster than the speed of light with a terribly cluttered website design.

I mean, just take a look at the next two examples I’m gonna show you.

So here we have a busy website, with no specific focal point, and you don’t really know where to look, and it immediately stresses you out. You lose the client because he clicks off your site.

But then, we compare it to this…


When I look at this minimalist website design, especially compared to the other, my eyes are immediately set to ease. It’s literally like the inner designer in me just had the most amazing glass of wine and I’m just enjoying myself, admiring the design.

Alright, enough comparisons. Let’s just get things rolling over here.

Into the 4 tips we dive!

1. Simplify the Text


The most important page of all your website will be your homepage.

It’s the page that will set the tone for the rest of your site.

So it’s important that you get across what you’re trying to say quickly, efficiently, and simply.

There’s no need to clutter your website by writing so much text.

Most people just skim your website anyway! So, write your main text in bold headlines, add some details below, but not too much.

Only a small percentage of people will read the entire thing, so use your headlines to your advantage wisely!

2. Stick To A Color Scheme


A good color scheme always warms my heart, like grandma’s homemade apple pie on a summer’s day.

Maintaining a color scheme amongst your text, background elements, and images will automatically make you look more organized.

By using a color scheme, you can also bring focus to certain elements and manipulate the eye to go where you want it to.

By no means do you ever want a green font on a bright red background with orange and silver elements floating around the background. Unless you want you website to look like Christmas got a little wild at the Christmas staff party and vomited all over your website.

Go online or on any design inspiration website and type in popular color schemes on 2020, or color palettes, and save time and effort by finding beautiful palettes!

3. Limit Your Homepage To The Essentials


This kinda goes hand in hand with our first tip about limiting text.

Limit everything on the homepage and only keep what is essential.

Ask yourself, “What am I trying to achieve with this website and the homepage? What am I trying to show the customer?”

When you find the answer to that question, design your homepage accordingly.

Don’t add secondary/tertiary elements to the first bit of the homepage.

That’s what your menu tab and other secondary pages are for!

And speaking of menu tabs…

4. Scale Down Your Menu Tabs


For the love of simple design, keep your menu bar clean.

You don’t need a menu tab for 👏every 👏single 👏 element 👏of your website.

We’ve seen this way too many times than we’d personally like to admit, but some people give you the option of clicking on 20 different tabs.

As an alternative, create drop-down menu tabs where you have subcategories.

This will keep things squeaky-clean and peaceful for the eyes to look at.

No one will be frantically looking around for what they’re trying to find.

When things on your site and aesthetically pleasing and well-organized, your sales will go up.


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Appwrite gives your project a better starting point by abstracting most of you common backend tasks behind a simple to use REST API.

We need to do things differently, and that’s why we created Appwrite. Appwrite is an open-source backend server that aims to abstract the complexity behind repeating software development tasks.

Appwrite gives your project a better starting point by abstracting most of you common backend tasks behind a simple to use REST API.

Appwrite provides software developers with APIs and SDKs to quickly implement functions that are repetitive across their projects like user authentication, file management, localization, database management, and more.

Appwrite also provides teams with tools like Appwrite Webhooks and Appwrite Background Tasks to allow maximum flexibility and customization to match each and each product and different scenarios different teams might face.

Creating an abstraction layer between complex function and developers. Appwrite

Appwrite comes with built-in and centralized security and is agnostic to the technologies or frameworks developers use to build their apps. Appwrite hides the unnecessary complexity required to make a fast and secure application, allowing teams to create high-end products, quickly and without compromising, features, security, or quality.

By giving software projects a better starting point, we aim to provide software developers with more time to innovate, tackle new problems, and create better products. There is no reason we, as an industry, will keep on struggling with the same old challenges while we can leverage open-source to share solutions and build better and more secure tools or services.

Serverless is great, but it can’t work for every project. Appwrite can replace your backend servers or work alongside them.

It was vital for us to leave the power and the flexibility in the developer’s hands. It’s up for them to decide how they want to set their architecture

It’s important to understand that unlike other serverless solutions, Appwrite does not aim to magically replace backend servers. Instead, it attempts to give new projects a better starting point. Appwrite allows developers to replace or extend their existing backend server functionality by using tools like webhooks and background functions.

You can use Appwrite as a standalone API directly against your client app or together with your own backend servers. Appwrite is unopinionated about the way the developer wishes to use it. We give you the tools to make any decision you want about your app, technology stack, or integrations.

Appwrite dashboard allows developers to monitor and manage their backend activity

What’s Next?

Using Appwrite as a code abstraction layer, we hope to give developers and small to big organizations more time to focus on their products and create more room for innovation. We, as a software industry, should always try and improve, and we hope Appwrite is another step in that direction.

Learn More

You can learn more about Appwrite features, API, and integration by visiting Appwrite official website or Github repository. You can also follow Appwrite news and announcements on our Twitter or Facebook accounts.